How would I create a worksheet to take information from another worksheet in the same document - given all the conditions are met.
For example, I have a worksheet filled with 3rd grade math and reading information for an entire state. Here is an example of how the information is presented (specifically here for poverty students' math information):
County County School School Subgroup Grade Subject Enrolled
Code Name Code Name
001 Autauga 0015 Autaugaville Poverty 3 Math 36
There are 8000+ lines of data. I need to somehow pull all the information from the worksheet with the data into a worksheet that I have already formatted - The formatted worksheet is more presentable.
Instead of copying and pasting individually- which I have already done and takes weeks - is there a way for a macro that can lookup
1. County Code (If County Code =001)
2. School Code (If school code =0015)
THEN put the school name in the formatted worksheet cell
And then something that is more complicated to can look up to see if all conditions are met:
1. County Code (If County Code =001)
2. School Code (If school code =0015)
3. Grade (If grade = 3)
4. Subgroup (If Subgroup =Poverty)
THEN put the number of students that are enrolled
Please let me know if this makes any sense - THANK YOU!!