In theory that would work. I could use a form to display and capture input and changes to various fields. The problem comes in when I want to select a different category of items. In my phone bills, I'd have 3 rows of data to display: long distance, local and wireless bills. But, if I selected another category, such as electricity, I might have only one line to display. Actually, it would be 2 rows: 1 for actuals, the other for expected costs.

One solution might be a dynamic user form. But, without knowing how many rows of data I could return, ti could be a bit of a pain to develop VBA for this situation (although I've seen some simple examples). Another option is to create a form that lets users select what data they want and then display those results in a pivot table. The only issue there is I'd have to copy the pivot table to be able to update those cells and then run some code to have the displayed data update the "data pile" behind the scenes. But, with the size of the pivot table variable (I might filter on 1 or 3 different criteria), entering in all those data values can get messy.

If I've missed something in understanding a simpler method that would work, please let me know.
