
I'm trying to make data entry easier in an Excel spreadsheet. As a simple example, I've got a data file with 2 columns of data: one for invoices and the other for month. So, in one year, there would be 12 rows for each invoice, assuming there was an invoice for each month. The data is great this way for pivoting, but that's about it.

What I'd need to do is create a form that shows one (or more) invoices down the rows and the different months (Jan-Dec) across the columns. In this way, I could enter expected invoice amounts for the entire year on one screen. Behind the scenes, I would want the form to be able to update the 12 rows of data (one row for each month of the same invoice).

In reality, I would want to group all my invoices by type. Let's say I had 3 phone invoices every month: long distance, local and wireless. I'd wnat to be able to filter on phone invoices and see the 3 rows of invoices be displayed for all 12 months.

Without resorting to anything too complex, and without going to an Access solution, does anyone know of a reasonable way to accomplish this?

Here is a very simplistic version of what I'd like to see:

Phone Invoices
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Long Dist