I hv 10x10 box (a1..j10) want to fill with random number 1-100
Any idea how to make function
Thanks b4
I hv 10x10 box (a1..j10) want to fill with random number 1-100
Any idea how to make function
Thanks b4
Last edited by VBA Noob; 12-24-2008 at 06:22 AM.
you could try:
format the cells to suit
This link should get you started
I'd go with =randbetween , then you could put in the top and bottom numbers.
If you want random, non-repeating numbers from 1-100, you can use this function:
... and array-enter this formula in the 10x10 range:![]()
Function RandSeq(Optional bVolatile As Boolean = False) As Long() ' shg 2006-0307 ' Worksheet function *only* ' Returns a random sequence from 1 to N to the calling range ' (entered in a single cell, returns 1) If bVolatile Then Application.Volatile Dim nRow As Long ' count of rows Dim nCol As Long ' count of columns Dim afRnd() As Single ' random rumbers Dim nNum As Long ' count of afRnd Dim iRnd As Long ' index to afRnd Dim jRnd As Long ' secondary index to afRnd Dim aiRank() As Long ' rank array Dim iRow As Long ' row index to aiRank Dim iCol As Long ' column index to aiRank ' verify that the caller is a range If Not TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then Exit Function With Application.Caller nNum = .Count nRow = .Rows.Count nCol = .Columns.Count End With ' size arrays to size of range ReDim afRnd(0 To nNum - 1) ReDim aiRank(0 To nRow - 1, 0 To nCol - 1) ' get random numbers For iRnd = 0 To nNum - 1 afRnd(iRnd) = Rnd Next iRnd ' rank 'em For iRnd = 0 To nNum - 1 iRow = iRnd \ nCol iCol = iRnd Mod nCol For jRnd = 0 To nNum - 1 If afRnd(iRnd) >= afRnd(jRnd) Then aiRank(iRow, iCol) = aiRank(iRow, iCol) + 1 Next Next RandSeq = aiRank End Function
Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate
@all thanks..
Special to arthurbr for link, teach me array-enter and shg for the function..![]()
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