please see attached my GUI. I'm using Excel 2003 and VBA 6.5.
The numbers in the GUI picture show tabindex. cmdSave and cmdUndo are disabled objects unless you click cmdEdit.
1) I read a bar code into txtBarcode. Bar code reader adds an [ENTER] after the input so focus will move to the next field (cmdEdit). But:
2) In txtBarcode's afterupdate event I have a routine that checks excel table for matching bar code. If a match is found, identified computer's location and user information are displayed. OK, match found, info displayed, leave txtBarcode.
3) then automatically I would want the txtBarcode to get the focus again so another barcode could be read without the need for user to use the mouse or tab to jump back into the barcode field.
Goal: I want txtBarcode to get the focus back when txtBarcode_afterupdate is run.
Problem: No matter how I try, the focus keeps shifting to the next object in tab index order.
Sort of solution 1: If a dedicate a command button to set focus on txtBarcode, it works. But I would like it to be automated. Problem with "sort of solution 1": If I would call the "cmdSetFocus" or whatever from txtBarcode_afterupdate, it won't work. Focus shifts to cmdEdit.
Sort of solution 2: If I edit cmdEdit_enter() like this: "txtBarcode.setfocus" then focus will shift to txtBarcode because there are only 2 objects that can get focus, txtBarcode and cmdEdit. But in this case I cannot click cmdEdit, because it instantaneously transfers focus to txtBarcode.
I think the problem is about how focus shifts concerning different events, but it has not been easy to figure this out.
I apologize beforehand that since I (and hopefully most of you) have a Christmas holiday, I won't be online during 12/26 - 1/18. Your tips will still be greatly appreciated.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
cmdSave.enabled = false
cmdUndo.enabled = false
End Sub
Private Sub txtBarcode_enter()
txtBarcode.value = ""
End Sub
Private Sub txtBarcode_afterupdate()
'search in the excel for a cell matching txtBarcode.value
'found it, copy cell1 to lblComputername, copy cell2 to lblComputerSN etc
'irrelevant sheet editing and find function code removed from sample
End Sub
Private Sub cmdEdit_click()
cmdSave.enabled = true
cmdundo.enabled = true
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave()
'put txtBuilding.value into cell 6, txtRoom.value into cell 7 etc
'irrelevant sheet modification code removed from sample
cmdSave.enabled = false
cmdUndo.enabled = false
txtBarcode.setfocus 'This WORKS, focus is shifted to txtBarcode
End Sub
Private Sub cmdUndo()
cmdSave.enabled = false
cmdUndo.enabled = false
txtBarcode.setfocus 'This WORKS, focus is shifted to txtBarcode
End Sub