I have a spreadsheet at work that hasn't used a macro ever and now has about 15 years of data for 75 different chemicals and 20 different locations. I want to create a named dynamic range for each row with a shortcut. I recorded a macro for the first row, but I am unsure of how to make it general so it will create a named range for each row that I have clicked the active cell (all names are in Column A, values follow in B through AU).
Here is my recorded macro:
Sub DynamicRangeRow()
' DynamicRangeRow Macro
' Macro recorded 12/17/2008 by 3542
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+b
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Date", RefersToR1C1:= _
End Sub
Here is my attempt at editting it to create a generalized function: (My error occurs with my ReferTo function. Also with a dynamic range I needed to state where the data actually starts and I'm not sure that ActiveCell-1 will direct it to the next column)
Sub DynamicRangeRow()
' DynamicRangeRow Macro
' Macro recorded 12/17/2008 by 3542
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+b
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ActiveSheet!ActiveCell", RefersTo'ActiveCell':= _
End Sub
Also, what is the easiest way to transfer data from one work book to the next? I need to get new columns of data into the graph sheet and need to not include every other column because it has symbols (Also need to take only the first 75 rows of data)? Thank you!