If you have a spreadsheet where column A is a list of names, for each name there are several data types (listed in column B) some of the data types are repeated. Column C contains the percentage for each of the data tpes for the whole thing. There are 300+ names, each with several data types and most where at least one data type is repeated. How can i easily calculate the total percentage for each data type, for each name.
Column A Column B Column C
Site A Grassland 12.00
Site A Inland Water 7.00
Site A Mixed Woodland 30.00
Site A Grassland 33.00
Site A Grassland 18.00
At present I have been creating a sum function for each data type and then deleting the rows that I don't need to neaten it up. But this is very time consuming and like I said I have to do this over 300 times.
Any help on this would be great,