I would approach it like this;
Merge textstrings in column one and two, but separate the strings with a recognisable sign, like ";"
Then count the occurence of the resulting textstrings line by line. Delete those that have count higher than 1.
After that works, the "remark" column needs to be merged, based on the value of the "Favorite Fruit" column (For each.. If..Then..Else..End If...Next).
Stringmerging can be done like this;
Sub GlueStrings()
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strFirstName As String
Dim strLastName As String
strTitle = "Sir"
strFirstName = "Ronald"
strLastName = "McDonald"
Dim strSalutation As String
strSalutation = strTitle & " " & strFirstName & " " & strLastName
MsgBox (strSalutation)
End Sub
Cutting the value in column "Remark" and adding the string to "Favorite Fruit" column goes the same way.