I'm desperate trying to find a solution for this:
I run the same macro in two computers and I'm getting different results in each computer, so, the problem should be the computer configuration, no?
The macro saves a sheet in text format and, in one of the computers, I'm getting the date cells saved in mm/dd/yy format, which is not the format I want to get, even having those cells correctly formatted to dd/mm/yy.
In one computer, everything works fine, but, in other computer, if I save the file as text mannually, I get what I want: dates in dd/mm/yy, but in this computer, if I use the macro, that doesn't happen and I get the dates in mm/dd/yy.
' Save the file as Text File
TextFile = "C:\JDEFiles\" & MacroName & ".txt"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=TextFile, FileFormat:= _
xlText, CreateBackup:=False
Thank you for any help!