I have been a lurker of the forums for quite some time and have enjoyed all of the data and help. I went searching for this answer prior to coming and posting, if there is an answer I apologize!
I need help with an excel file I am using at work. I have users filling in data in columns C and D, I need a macro which will select everything entered and lock those cells - well the catch is, if both columns have data. If column C or D are empty I need that row to remain unlocked. No sorting can occur as well....
Any ideas on how to get this done?
Lets see if I can give a visual...
Table | Column C | Column D
Row 8 | Joe | 3 | <-- protect both cells
Row 9 | Jessica | | <-- leave unprotected
Row 10 | Luke | 2 | <-- protect both cells
Data can be entered up to row 82, and the entire range has been named.
I also have a formula in Column B which calculates, if either Column C and Column D are blank to equal "1", otherwise "0". This is used by a different part of my macro. I was trying to think of a way to use that when selecting the cells, but don't know how to code that either.
I appreciate any help you guys can give!