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Read only message appears when I try to bring up a 2nd workbook

  1. #1
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    Read only message appears when I try to bring up a 2nd workbook

    I receive the read only "personal.xlsb is locked for editing"

    by John

    open "read only" or click 'notify' to open as read only and receive notification when the document is no longer in use.

    Why am I getting this? It must be because I am trying to do macros?

    Thanks if you can help?

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Because you're opening a different instance of Excel, not another workbook in the same instance. The first case is like having a file on a shared drive; the first person that opens it (you) gets read/write permission. Everyone else is read-only until you close the file without changes.

    This isn't deep computer stuff, just basic file hygiene.

    Edit: I should add that when you open Excel, it also opens a hidden workbook called Personal.xls if one exists. When you start another copy of Excel, it does the same thing. It's the same as if Personal.xls was opened by two different computers. If you need to open another workbook, open it in the same instance of Excel.
    Last edited by shg; 12-01-2008 at 11:21 PM.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
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    When I open the workbook with the macros, it asks me to enable macros which I do. Then I go to excel and open another workbook. I then get the read only error. I guess I should ask is that expected? If it is, I will just go with it, if not, how do I avoid it? What exact steps please?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    If you're opening another file in the same Excel session (like File > Open), it shouldn't be happening at all.

    If you're starting another copy of Excel (Start > Excel) and then opening another file, it will always happen.

    I don't know your experience level or what you're trying to do, so I'm a little hard pressed to be more specific.

  5. #5
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    appreciate the help..

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