Hi All ...

I have a sheet where I need to enter the amount of time taken to do a task in the form hh:mm. The cell of interest, B5, is formatted "Custom", "hh:mm" and data validation is set as "Time", "00:00:00 to 23:59:59".

Seems to be Ok ... enter 4:35 and it works. Enter 4,35 and validation traps the error. However, accidently enter 4:65 (instead of 4:35) and the cells format wierdly changes to "General", and the figure changes to 0.218806. If you right click on the cell and change the format back to "Custom" "hh:mm", the content changes to 05:05.

How can I trap an entry where the minutes part of the data is accidently greater than 59?

Regards ... G-fer.