
I am putting together a sheet where we are looking to get users to estimate the number of days to do a task for each week, i.e. W/c 17/11 = 5-days, 24/11 - 5 days, 1/12 - 5 days.

And then I need to provide an output of this as days per months, i.e. November - 10; December - 5.

Of course the start and end of weeks don't tie up witht the start and end of months so I have to be a little clever. I have started with an idea of using an intermediary sheet to list all of the days individually and then do a countif against the dates to pull back the number of days in each month.

But this is going to be unwieldy and also the number of columns in a sheet is going to limit the amount of time that users can enter the effort for, i.e. 254 columns = 254 days = 36-weeks.

Is there a way to use an array formula or something similar to do this calculation?

