Need your help guys,

I'm new at using macros - just learned a month ago.

Any suggestions on this one:

Got a table where I've placed Data validation - List on them.

Placed a macro on a button so that the data on the table where the validation list is placed is transfered to another sheet (same workbook).

What I need is a to modify the macro assigned to the button so that when the button is clicked to activate the macro:
a.) Can identify if there are any blanks on specified cells with validation list
b.) Stops the macro from copying the fields to the other sheet
c.) Alert the user of the blanks (an alert stating there is a blank would suffice)
d.) Alert should preferably be similar to a Stop alert from Data Validation.

Can anyone help? Been reading through several threads but don't seem to find anything that could help me - tried reading a Visual basic thread and now i've got a headache....

