Yes, I have been able to get your example to work, and I thank you very much. I was not able to get on the forum for a good part of the day - website error messages being generated.
If you are still interested, here is the next stage of the problem.
I was trying to get a date entry in a cell to transfer over to a different cell but can only get it in a numeric form. This code works through the stage of the MsgBox and the date does come out in a proper string format. But when I try to copy the very same string into a cell, I can only get a numeric form. So the last line of code is apparently failing or not doing what I expect it to.
More curiosity now than anything, as I am actually on to the next stage of my project, and am VERY SLOWLY making progress. I try a lot of examples straight from my books and they just don't seem to work smoothly and the debugging feedback is very minimal to non existent. I eventually find something that starts to work after putting about 3 different sources and examples together.
I will just keep plugging along until the next roadblock, but I am starting to make progress. General problem is to enter a date in an input box, match that date with a row in the spreadsheet that contains that date in one cell, and then to extract numerous other data entries in that same row and then transfer those data entries to another worksheet where they are processed further.
Thanks much for all help, from Clifford
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Public Sub FundTransfer()
Dim fundamentaldate As String
Dim dt As Date
InputBox ("Enter Date of Transfer - MO/DY/XXXX")
dt = Range("A409")
fundamentaldate = FormatDateTime(dt, vbShortDate)
MsgBox (fundamentaldate)
Range("H388") = fundamentaldate
End Sub