Thank you for answering.
I will try to explain what I am trying to do. Please bear with me.
I have column A, which is varTitles in your code. When the code runs it will put the varCode results in column B. I am going to name some of the items in varCode slightly differently (ie JTf Blk I, JTF Blk II, etc depending on the date in column N). If column B does not reference column N then it will not give the results I am looiking for.
I thought some sort of IF...Then statement would work, such as If Column B is = "Test" & Column N = "6 Oct 2009" then "A-Help". This comparison is done on the same row for column B and column N.
I guess I would need an array for the varTitles, varCode and varDates?
I am not a programmer so if you know how to set up a framework for this, and I can fill in the data, it would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to learn this VBA, but as I am sure you can appreciate it is not easy, especially if you do not have an aptitude for it (such as me)!!
Thank you for any help.