The important thing is the declaration of the tempstring array.
This cut down version works
class module
Private Type udtTest
Name As String
Units As String
Notional As String
End Type
Private MFSwaps_(3) As udtTest
Public Property Let EnterMFSwap(index As Integer, values() As String)
MFSwaps_(index).Name = values(0)
MFSwaps_(index).Units = values(1)
MFSwaps_(index).Notional = values(2)
End Property
Code module
Sub x()
Dim temporary As Class1
Dim outer As Integer
Dim tempString() As String
ReDim tempString(2) As String
Set temporary = New Class1
outer = 1
tempString(0) = "Zero"
tempString(1) = "One"
tempString(2) = "Two"
temporary.EnterMFSwap(outer) = tempString
End Sub