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String array values to array of User-Defined Types

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    String array values to array of User-Defined Types

    Hi all,

    I have a class module with several private variables, including one that is an array of a user-defined type. I am trying to set the values of a single element of this array with "Property Let ..." from a string array:

    Public Property Let EnterMFSwap(ByVal index As Integer, ByRef values() As String)
        MFSwaps_(index).Name = values(0)
        MFSwaps_(index).Units = values(1)
        MFSwaps_(index).Notional = values(2)
        MFSwaps_(index).Fee = values(3)
        MFSwaps_(index).Daycount = values(4)
        MFSwaps_(index).PFP = values(5)
        MFSwaps_(index).PFR = values(6)
        MFSwaps_(index).TradeDate = values(7)
        MFSwaps_(index).EffectiveDate = values(8)
        MFSwaps_(index).Maturity = values(9)
        MFSwaps_(index).Leg1 = values(10)
        MFSwaps_(index).Leg2 = values(11)
        MFSwaps_(index).Holidays = values(12)
        MFSwaps_(index).SettleRule = values(13)
        MFSwaps_(index).Underlying = values(14)
    End Property
    In my test code, I set all of the string array variables, and try to set it using:
    temporary.EnterMFSwap(outer) = tempString
    And get the following error message:
    "Compile error: Can't assign to array"

    Is there a way to set the values in the user-defined type this way? I could do it by creating a temporary variable of the User-defined type and then there is no problem, but this is used by a lot of very old code as well that gives the needed values as an array.

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by rtiltins; 10-03-2008 at 07:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

    What is outer? The property Let requires an index and an array as arguments.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  3. #3
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    outer is an integer variable that is used as a counter in a for loop. That line is inside the for loop. I tried other variable types, such as Long in that place, but always got the same message.


  4. #4
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    The important thing is the declaration of the tempstring array.

    This cut down version works

    class module
    Private Type udtTest
        Name As String
        Units As String
        Notional As String
    End Type
    Private MFSwaps_(3) As udtTest
    Public Property Let EnterMFSwap(index As Integer, values() As String)
        MFSwaps_(index).Name = values(0)
        MFSwaps_(index).Units = values(1)
        MFSwaps_(index).Notional = values(2)
    End Property
    Code module
    Sub x()
        Dim temporary As Class1
        Dim outer As Integer
        Dim tempString() As String
        ReDim tempString(2) As String
        Set temporary = New Class1
        outer = 1
        tempString(0) = "Zero"
        tempString(1) = "One"
        tempString(2) = "Two"
        temporary.EnterMFSwap(outer) = tempString
    End Sub

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Yep, that does work. Thanks a lot!

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