hi all, i am facing another problem here.
i want to stop a for loop.
i attach my excile file at here.
it is call as parent if the column "a" is blank n hv alphabet.
if the column "a" is not blank n hv numberic it is call as child.
i want to delete the child if the parent come out a word "mount"
here are my code
Sub aa() r = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count For i = 1 To r - 1 If InStr(3, Cells(i, 3).Value, "MOUNT") > 0 Then z = i + 1 For z = 1 To r - 1 If Cells(z, "a").Value <> "" Then Rows(z).Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp 'ElseIf Cells(z, "a").Value = "" Then 'stop this for loop and go to find another parent whether hv mount -- this part how to write -- End If Next End If Next i End Sub