I have a set of data that's more than 65k but excel won't allow me to import all the data in a spreadsheet. All I need is to graph the data. How can I read data from this text file? There are about 180k data and the format of the data in txt is:
"Record Length",125000,"Points", -22.3999994, 0.01626562
"Sample Interval",0.00079999998,s, -22.3991994, 0.01626562
"Trigger Point",28000,"Samples", -22.3983994, 0.01621875
"Trigger Time", 0,s, -22.3975994, 0.01625
"",,, -22.3967994, 0.01629687
"Horizontal Offset", -22.3999994,s, -22.3959994, 0.01623437
,,, -22.3951994, 0.01623437
,,, -22.3943994, 0.01625
-->to End of File
so the data I need is starting next line of Horizontal Offset.