You could try Googling because there are timer options around (you may need to allow for the impact of midnight).
Or, you could use a counter as shown by the below example from the Excel 2003 Help files:
hthDo...Loop Statement Example
This example shows how Do...Loop statements can be used. The inner Do...Loop statement loops 10 times, sets the value of the flag to False, and exits prematurely using the Exit Do statement. The outer loop exits immediately upon checking the value of the flag.
Dim Check, Counter Check = True: Counter = 0 ' Initialize variables. Do ' Outer loop. Do While Counter < 20 ' Inner loop. Counter = Counter + 1 ' Increment Counter. If Counter = 10 Then ' If condition is True. Check = False ' Set value of flag to False. Exit Do ' Exit inner loop. End If Loop Loop Until Check = False ' Exit outer loop immediately.