Hi Everyone,
I was hoping someone could help me out with this script? I know it a bit rough but most of it works ok.(still working on it) I just need to change a bit of the script so it does not pull from the worksheet with the name 8-11-08 or aug 11. The information im looking to pull will always be in the last worksheets See the hi lighted area below in red is the problem.
One last thing if you take a look at my call script in the last part of this post is there an easier way to do what I'm doing. I know it works just seems like a lot of mess...
As Always Thanks for your help... Mike
Main Script
Sub map1()
' map1 Macro
Dim A
Dim B
Dim C
A = "G:\Production 2007\Hazleton Data 2008.xls"
B = "G:\Production 2007\New Production Links\Varsity Production.xls"
C = "G:\Production 2007\New Production Links\Large Area Production.xls"
Workbooks.Open A
Workbooks.Open B: Application.DisplayAlerts = False: Call unProtect
Windows("Hazleton Data 2008.xls").Activate
Call Find_F
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Varsity Production.xls]8-11-08'!R3C2"
Call Find_G
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Varsity Production.xls]8-11-08'!R3C3"
Call Find_H
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Varsity Production.xls]8-11-08'!R3C4"
Call Find_I
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Varsity Production.xls]8-11-08'!R3C5"
Call Find_F
Workbooks.Open C: Application.DisplayAlerts = False: Call unProtect
Windows("Hazleton Data 2008.xls").Activate
Call Find_J
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Large Area Production.xls]aug11'!R3C3" 'C
Call Find_K
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Large Area Production.xls]aug11'!R3C4" 'D
Call Find_M
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Large Area Production.xls]aug11'!R3C6" 'F
Call Find_N
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Large Area Production.xls]aug11'!R3C7" 'G
Call Find_O
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Large Area Production.xls]aug11'!R3C8" 'H
Call Find_P
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='[Large Area Production.xls]aug11'!R3C9" 'I
Call Find_J
Workbook.Close C
End Sub
Call Scripts
Sub Find_F()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "F" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "F" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("F" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_G()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "G" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "G" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("G" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_H()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "H" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "H" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("H" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_I()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "I" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "I" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("I" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_J()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "J" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "J" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("J" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_K()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "K" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "K" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("K" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_M()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "M" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "M" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("M" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_N()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "N" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "N" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("N" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_O()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "O" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "O" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("O" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub
Sub Find_P()
Dim BCell, NBCell
For i = 4 To 28
If ActiveCell.Value = Empty Then
BCell = "P" & CStr(i - 1)
NBCell = "P" & CStr(i - 2)
Exit Sub
Range("P" & CStr(i + 1)).Select
End If
Next i
End Sub