Hey all,
I have no idea how to do this so i'm hoping someone can write me up a little macro
I have one worksheet in which i have the names of companies that have contracted to my company this year. The worksheet has a number of columns but the important ones are Company Name and Status.
I then have another worksheet within the same excel document which is in preparation for next year. It has a number of columns also however the important ones in this sheet are Company Name and Prev Exhib. The column "prev exhib" is a data validation field with the possible options from the list being yes or no.
I need to find a way that will pre populate the 'previous exhibitor' column in the second sheet with the answer 'yes', IF the word contracted appears in the column 'status' on the first sheet and obviously matches this with the correct company name. I then need all the other boxes to display 'no'.
I have included an example of the workbook and i hope this all makes sense.