hi everyone,

I am new with using excel vba and I need your expertise on this one. I am making a timesheet which has a UserForm with textbox and 3 command buttons namely Search, IN and OUT. The program works like this, user type his id no., then clicks on search, once id match command buttons for IN and OUT are enabled. User clicks on IN button then current time which tags as NOW() will be pasted on the worksheet. Same goes with the OUT button. I was able to make them work that way. The problem here now is, the data being entered are vulnerable for data-re entry. What I mean is, if a certain user has already a recorded IN time, if he clicks on the IN time again, the data will be overwritten. Is there a way that once the user has already a recorded IN time, the IN button will be disabled for that user since he has already a recorded IN data?

I appreciate your assistance.

