Hi, first post here, but have already used the site many times to help me compile a few spreadsheets for work...
i am pretty poor with excel in comparrison to you guys, but am getting there slowly but surely 
I used this code from another thread, its used to generate worksheets with a specific name from a list...
So at present, its copying sheet 2 and naming them from sheet 1 column A, but i need two things additionally which i am not sure how to do...
firstly, i need it to automatically stop when it runs out of names in the column A rather than generate an error when the list runs out.
Secondly, i need it to operate in a "live" enviorment, so the second someone adds to the list it creates a new worksheet with the corresponding name, and also when a name on the list is deleted it deletes the corresponding worksheet.
Any help much appreciated as its way beyond my capabilities!