This should work for the most part. Paste it into a workbook, save, and reopen. Then type anywhere in column A in worksheet 1. Note: Column B will need to be used as well. This code needs to keep track of the name the last time it did an update, so that when you delete a file it knows what file to delete and also if you make a name change.

Sub auto_open()

   ' Run the macro DidCellsChange any time a entry is made in a
   ' cell in Sheet1.
   ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").OnEntry = "DidCellsChange"

End Sub

Sub DidCellsChange()
  Dim KeyCells As String
   ' Define which cells should trigger the KeyCellsChanged macro.
   KeyCells = "A1:A100"

   ' If the Activecell is one of the key cells, call the
   ' KeyCellsChanged macro.
   If Not Application.Intersect(ActiveCell, Range(KeyCells)) _
   Is Nothing Then copysht

End Sub

Sub copysht()
    Dim cl     As Range
    Col = 1
    Row = 1
    EmptySheets = 0
        If IsEmpty(Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col).Value) Then
            If IsEmpty(Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1).Value) Then
                Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                Worksheets(Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1).Value).Delete
                Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1).ClearContents
            End If
            EmptySheets = EmptySheets + 1
        ElseIf IsEmpty(Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1)) Then
            Sheet2.Copy after:=Sheets(Row + 1 - EmptySheets)
            ActiveSheet.Name = Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col).Value
            Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1) = Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col)
            If Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1).Value = Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col).Value Then
                'Nothing Changed
                Worksheets(Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1).Value).Select
                ActiveSheet.Name = Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col).Value
                Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col + 1) = Sheet1.Cells(Row, Col)
            End If
        End If
        Row = Row + 1
    Loop Until Row >= 50
End Sub