I'm new to this forum, so am hoping someone can help.
I have a problem which really has me stumped. I have a worksheet containing several pivot tables. I would like all the pivots to automatically update the items within the colum fields (columnfields.Pivotitems) when I update the one "masterpivot".
In other words if the column header is animals, and I only want to see dogs, and cats, that should automatically update all pivots with those choices.
Using VBA Code I have come up with a "sort-of" solution, but I am not happy with it. One problem is that in order to reset each pivot before re-populating the column items I tried to set pivotitems.visible = false. This doesn't work as you have to always have at least one item selected.
I hope I am making sense.
Here is my code (I know it's a mess, I'm ust a beginner)
Thanks in advance
Sub Dependent_Pivot()
'First step making pivot items visible based on another pivot table
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim strPI As String
Range("A4").Select ' the location in the master pivot of the first column item.
strPI = ActiveCell.Value
For Each pt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables
If pt.Name <> "MasterPivot" Then
Set pf = pt.PivotFields("Bus Org")
'On Error Resume Next
pf.PivotItems(strPI).Visible = True 'somehow causing an error each time
With pf
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.Value = strPI Then pi.Visible = True Else pi.Visible = False
Next pi
End With
For n = 1 To 100 'loops through the master pivot and sets each item as visible in other pivots
If ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0).Value = "Grand Total" Then 'last row in master pivot
n = 100
Else: strPI = ActiveCell.Offset(n, 0).Value
With pf
.PivotItems(strPI).Visible = True
End With
End If
Next n
End If
Next pt
End Sub