I can give you some of the html code you are looking for unfortuanatly due to the nature of the website we cannot give everything but the code you are looking for is like this.
<input type="radio" class="check" name="voice_mark_|1218069880|014|21" value="L|N|1218069880001421|122"> <input type="radio" class="check" name="voice_mark_|1218069880|014|21" value="S|N|1218069880001421|122"> <input type="radio" class="check" name="voice_mark_|1218069880|014|21" value="D|N|1218069880001421|122"> </td><td></td></tr>
this is one set of linked radio buttons bt there could be more sets they will look exactly like this but there names and values will be slightly different. The Value of the one I will need will always start with L|N| but that is all. this is what has been making it so tough i will work with the code you gave me and see if i can get that to work or with this code if you could come up with something let me know. If you need more code i could make a mock of what we have but it would take quite some time so i hope this will do.