Hi guys,
I hope you can help me here. I am a noob with excel vba programming and i am creating a break track program using excel with vba. My excel file contains the data for all employees. I have a Userform where the user will enter his employee ID which will pull up his data. I have 3 option button in which the user choose what time he would start his break. Once the user click the start button, the time he started his break will be placed in a cell and a dialog box will appear stating the time the user needs to be back. Once the user click the end button, the time he ended his break will be place on a cell as well and then it will show a message "on time" if the user came on time else if the user was overbreak, the overbreak amount of time will be displayed. I have attached my sample file together with some vba code. I would like to ask for your help excel gurus regarding the vba on this program. Thanks in advance.