I have a excel report which connects to the database and pull data once I click on to "GO" button which I created as part of that excel report. Interesting part is the program generates reports fine on the following machine.
i) Windows OS XP 2002 SP2 running Excel version of 2002 SP3

It gives following error when I try to run the same report on a machine with Windows OS XP 2002 SP2 running Excel version of 2003 with SP1.

Error message :-
Error # 1004 was generated by Microsoft Office Excel
General ODBC Error
Context: 1001004 File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft office\OFFICE11\1033\xlmain11.chm.

I tried to look at the xlmain11.chm file, that file is nothing but microsoft excel file.
I would appreciate if somebody can point me in right direction of why this error is poping out on the different machine. Only difference between those machines is the Office version i.e 2002 vs 2003, I don't get it because it is running fine on office 2002 but not on office 2003.