The dates appear to be mm\dd\yy format.
Does this do what you want? It will place a value in row 118 column "A" of your worksheet as "July-09", the last date in the row is 07/15/09.
Option Explicit
Sub aTest()
Dim ShLastRow As Variant
Dim ShRange As Range
Dim ShCell As Range
Dim vCount As Variant
Dim vAddress As Variant
vCount = "1" 'reset counter to 1
With Sheets(1) 'count rows
ShLastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
Set ShRange = .Range("F2:F" & ShLastRow)
End With
For Each ShCell In ShRange 'get data from sheet(1)
If IsDate(ShCell.Value) = True Then
vCount = vCount + 1
vAddress = ShCell.Address
End If
Next ShCell
Range(vAddress).Offset(1, -5).Value = Range(vAddress).Value
Range(vAddress).Offset(1, -5).NumberFormat = "[$-409]mmmm-yy;@"
End Sub