I am trying to incorporate a few macros to clean data files before importing them to Access. The code below is used for the trim function and it appears to run with no errors, however in checking the data it is not removing the spaces from all of the worksheet. I've tested it on a small sample worksheet with only a few entries and it works - but on a large file such as 1895 rows and 30 columns it is not working.
The record that made me aware it was not working properly is at record 1790 column 11 - there are 2 extra spaces preceeding the text.
I thought the spaces may have been a char(160) so I used the trim function just on this one cell (row 1790 and column 11) and it worked, so I'm pretty sure it's regular spaces.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Sub trim()
Dim CountRow As Long, CountCol As Long, Sheet As Object
For CountRow = 1 To 1895
For CountCol = 1 To 30
Cells(CountRow, CountCol) = Application.trim(Cells(CountRow, CountCol))
Next CountCol
Next CountRow
End Sub