Thanks very much dominicb for your help.
It was not exactly what I wanted and no doubt due to my poor explanation of my needs. The issue was that the cell receiving the sum formula (A15 in your formula) and the end cell of data (A10 in your formula) can vary depending on the amount of data lines in the spreadsheet.
However what you suggested gave me enough to then come up with the following;-
Sub SumMacro()
Dim DataEndAdr As String
Dim TotalRowAdr As String
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).Select
DataEndAdr = ActiveCell.Address
ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Select
TotalRowAdr = ActiveCell.Address
Range(TotalRowAdr).Formula = "=Sum($L$4:" & DataEndAdr & ")"
End Sub
It provided a result although there may be a better and shorter way of doing it. If so I would be happy to receive the suggestion.
Thanks again