Try this macro
It assumes data in column A
Places data in columns B to E of same row
Sub SplitText()
Dim sTxt As String
Dim iPos(1) As Integer
Dim l4Row As Long
For l4Row = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
sTxt = Cells(l4Row, "a").Value
iPos(0) = InStr(1, sTxt, "]")
Cells(l4Row, "b").Value = Left(sTxt, iPos(0))
iPos(1) = InStr(iPos(0), sTxt, "Query")
Cells(l4Row, "c").Value = Mid(sTxt, iPos(0) + 3, (iPos(1) - iPos(0)) + 2)
Cells(l4Row, "d").Value = Mid(sTxt, iPos(1) + 6, 8)
Cells(l4Row, "e").Value = Mid(sTxt, iPos(1) + 15)
Next l4Row
End Sub