I have the following VBA code which works fine for me. I'm just wondering if there is a way to simplify it and make it shorter.

In other words do i need to use the word ".Address" everytime I use the cells(i,j) addressing method.

Also, the formula that will be placed in cell(21,10) is

= IF($G$21 <> "y", ABS($C$21)*$D$21/$B$21, "")

which is what I want but I'm wondedring how can I replace $C$21 with just C21. i.e. how to remove the dollar sign.

Cells(21, 10) = "= IF(" & Cells(21, 7).Address & " <> ""y"", abs(" & Cells(21, 3).Address & ")*" & Cells(21, 4).Address & "/" & Cells(21, 2).Address & ", """")"

Thanks folks