after replacing lrow, and after stepping into F8, lrow=76
when it reached
then it jumped to Else, thus skipping the vletter line altogether. then i get a application-defined or object-defined error at
2 lines after Else. At this stage, vletter="" and lrowvletter=1.
Actually, if this gets too complicated or if it's taking too much of your time, i can work with your first code, and i added a line of code to skip the first sheet (see the [If Ws.Name <> "Original" Then] code at the middle):
this works perfectly well on my side only that it's reversed (OUT at the top, IN at the bottom, as you said). I tried to convert your Copy_Last_Cells macro to be compatible with this but lol trial and error does not always work in programming... this was your code:
and this is what i tried to convert it to, so as to process the data in the attached picture:
naturally i came up with tons of errors, so if you'd like, we can skip the whole V2 idea and work from the V1 idea, all i need is to modify your Copy_Last_Cells code to work by columns instead of rows. alternatively we can work with V2 since apparently it works fine on your side, so perhaps it's just a small tweak or two to get it working on mine.
again, a heartfelt thank you.