Hi everyone,

I have the following question:

I have a workbook containing several worksheets I want to copy to a workbook of their own and save under a specific name/password through a macro.

However, I have five difficulties:
1) I want to new workbook to contain only 1 worksheet. So, only the worksheet copied from the original workbook, and no other worksheets.
2) I want to be able to manually select the destination file for the copied workbook, however. This should be the same file for all workbooks.
3) I want the data copied from original worksheet to be ‘pasted as value’ only, so no formulas in the new workbook.
4) I want the new workbook to be read-only. Therefore I want the workbook to be /locked and password protected. So, the password should be only for altering cells, not for opening the workbook. See also point below.
5) Regarding the naming and passwording part I have made a matrix table in a worksheet named: “Rekeningen” (this worksheet is in the original workbook). This table contains three columns:

Column A, cells 40:65, contains the names of the worksheets I want to copy
Column B, cells 40:65, contains the names of the new workbooks
Column C, cells 40:65, contains the passwords of the new workbooks

So for example
Row 40_____ABC________Pit200___________B43AA_____
Row 41_____EFD________egs210___________BVF#2_____

I want worksheet ABC, to be copied as value to a seperate workbook, containing only 1 worksheet. The new workbook should be named Pit200 and locked and password protected under the password “B43AA”

Sorry, for my long question, but I hope you can help me out here!
