Originally Posted by
Could you elaborate a little more?
I need it so if something is entered into one of the days, that will be the info used, but when the next month comes, when i redo the schedule i need the formula back without having to retype it.
With the 2 sheets, the request off and the final this isnt a problem but I am trying to eliminate the request off sheet, so when I do the schedule for the following month, the formulas return when i clear the cells.
for example say in c5 i put in vac, next month when i do the schedule in c5 i need to be able to clear cell c5 and have it use the data from t5.
Liek i said with the 2 sheets this isnt a problem, but i would liek to get it down to just one.
Very strange, I thought I attached a code to this thread..
Try this
Sub YouKnow()
Dim r As Range
Dim c As Range
Set r = Range("H1", Range("H65536").End(xlUp))
For Each c In r.Cells
If c <= 0 Then
c = c.Offset(0, 1)
End If
Next c
End Sub