I'm looking for some assistance on a timesheet I've been slowly fiddling with over the past several months.
My problems are as follows:
1)First a smaller but perhaps something that should be done first is that I'd like to change all the data formats from two cell in and out times (ie: 4 in one cell and 30 in the next) into a much nicer system where it is just one cell of 4:30. This of course would probably be required before adding in the buttons to input the current time.
2)In the location marked by the Clock In/Out button I would like a button that inputs the current time into the chart into the next available open field from the options of Time-In, Break-Out, Break-In, and Time-Out. Then of course I would need that skip button for days I didn't work and weekends. I don't know how to create a function to grab the current time or how to copy just the data into a field. And I certainly don't know how to create this list of available fields into which the data could be placed.
3)As you will notice the blue bars under each of the days I would also like to have a progress bar that counts up the hours I work and compares that to the current time so that when the bar is full I know I have worked a full 8 hour day with a label denoting the percentage of 8 hours that I worked. Currently I have it set up as a bar graph but that keeps changing scale and so I don't know what the best method is, maybe just create one cell for every half hour and color it in as the time passes. Any suggestions would be great!
4) In addition, however a bit easier, is that I would like to expand the worksheet to an entire year. So basically there would be 26 worksheets of bi-weekly data. Then I would like to have a cover page with the typical fields such as the employees pay, the number of vacation days (both totaled and remaining), sick time(totaled) and perhaps some sort of a summary of statistics as too how many hours were worked in each month.
5) Finally a bit more conceptual question has to do with grouping the projects. I would like to add some additional columns in order to keep track of how many of the hours spent on each project went into each of these 16 categories:
Programming, Site and Environmental Analysis, Schematic Design, Engineering Systems Coordination, Building Cost Analysis, Code Research, Design Development, Construction Documents, Specifications & Materials Research, Document Checking & Coordination, Bidding & Contract Negotiation, Construction Phase—Office, Construction Phase—Observation, Project Management, Office Management, Professional and Community Service.
The question then is, is there a way to keep track of the number of hours that went into a specific category for each project without adding 16 extra columns? I'd like to keep it simple and have it easily removable for the employees who don't need to keep track of this information.
If anybody has any suggestions as to how I can go about doing any of these things I would be greatly appreciative. In addition, I have no VB abilities so if that is the only way to complete this I would appreciate any help. Furthermore, if anybody has some fun ideas for making the timesheet even better I'd love to hear them. Thanks so very much for any assistance.