Hi all, New guy the forum.
I work for a company that uses Excel as a front end for a large complex application.
what I need to do is to import a *.cls file and then ask the *.cls file for it's version. This is so I can decide if I am using the correct version.
I can import the class, no prob. But how do you call a class when you only know it's name?
I am calling it from a module method.
Right now I have a class named MyClass with 1 member public sub MyMethod
Things that come to mind;
Static class member ( not in VB )
Static public variable ( not in VB )
call as a macro;
Set VBCodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("MyClass").CodeModule
Application.Run VBCodeMod.Name & ".myMethod"
This almost works, well seems like it should work
Any ideas?