
Let's say I have a table (one column):

Item name
Blah bb/gg 2/3/4
Hlab ji/lk 10/50
Shlim 67/pp 45/56-90

The script/macro/I-don't-know-what would fill out this table (I added three new column):
Item name Width Height Length
Blah bb/gg 2/3/4 2 3 4
Hlab ji/lk 10/50 10 50 0
Shlim 67/pp 45/56-90 45 56-90 0

Basically, what it does is that it looks for the '/' char and recognizes the strings around it. It skips the first two strings from the right (they are a part of the name) and records the next 3 strings which are usually numbers (or like "56-90") and places them each into his own cell.

The task I have is to take these "Item names" and extract the size data out of them, for example:
Hlab ji/lk 10/50 is an item called hlab ji/lk with measurements 10 by 50 by 0 and each of these measurements has to go to it's own cell for each line.

If it's too much for you to just reveal to me as a ready solution, I would appreciate any direction on how I can make a solution.

Thanks. Tod.