
I will describe my problem. I making a Task list with assignments for each of my team members. Columns A & B describes the ID number of the task, Column C describes the Task itself, Columns D to J are hidden, Column K describes the author of the task.

Column L is the one that have the name (or names) of the person who is in charge of doing that task. What I need to do is to create a macro that searches the name of that person in Column L and once it finds it it will create another sheet with the name of that person. And add to that sheet the entire row of his task.

For example:
|---1---|-----Project A-----|
|--1.01-|-Approve Invoices--|--Jim--|---Dave---|
|--1.02-|--SCC Agreement---|--Jim--|---Victor--|
|-----------------------blank row---------------------------------|
|---2----|-----Project B-----|
|--2.01--|--Planning meeting-|--Jim--|---Victor--|
|--2.02--|-Database update--|--Jim--|---Victor--|
|--2.03--|-Master agreement-|--Jim--|-Victor, Dave-|

This macros should do this:
Dave ( <- instead of Sheet2)
|---1---|----Project A-----|-----|
|--1.01-|-Approve Invoices-| Jim |
|------------------------blank row--------------------------|
|---2---|----Project B------|-----|
|--2.03-|-Master agreement-| Jim |

Victor ( <- instead of Sheet3):
|---1---|-----Project A------|-------|
|--1.02-|--SCC Agreement---|--Jim--|
|---2----|-----Project B-----|---K---|
|--2.01--|--Planning meeting-|--Jim--|
|--2.02--|-Database update--|--Jim--|
|--2.03--|-Master agreement-|--Jim--|

This is just an example, this should work for any names in that column, and each cell can contain up to 3 names separated by a comma.

Now if possible, since I add and delete tasks weekly, probably this macro can be ran again on the main page (Sheet1), and just update each of the member s' individual sheet. Or this 'Updating' can be done in a separate macro.

Since I'm new to macros-vba. I don't understand it much, and I found this code online:

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I changed it a little bit, but it works looking for the exact name given, it doesn't create another sheet with the name of the person, and it stops at row 74.

If somebody can help me with my issue I'd appreciate it greatly.

Here is the link to a sample file of how this Task list looks as of now:


Thank you all.
