i am trying to make packing slips with a tab deliminated flie, does anyone know if there is a way to have excel autofill a packing slip template in excel or word?
i am trying to make packing slips with a tab deliminated flie, does anyone know if there is a way to have excel autofill a packing slip template in excel or word?
There is almost sure to be a way, but you need to give us more information on data, layout etc.
Hope that helps.
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the only way i can get the data is to export it from my websites backend in tab - it allows me to export the header fields too - it is customer order information - each piece of information is listed on single row - if a customer orders one product it puts all their info in one row and lists that data under the proper column heading - if a customer orders 3 products is duplicates all the customer info in three rows only changing the item number, item description and weight please see the example below, it has been exported as pipe deliminated - i would like to be able to import or export this data to make packing slips - if anyone knows of any software out there that will allow me to import excel data and populate a packing slip please let me know - thanks in advance!
order number|email|first name|last name|company|address 1|address 2|country|city|state|postal code|day phone|shipping method|signature service|editable 1|editable 2|quantity|item number
Customer ordering 1 item...
200804021426396456|sbpsguy931922@aol.com|Chris|Feik||180 Ave of the Flags #195||USA|Buellton|California|93427|805-636-1777|1. US Ground|No|||1|BFSSCLEARCI
Customer ordering 4 items...
200804021355000554|poonie80@aol.com|carole|cotton|happy balloons parties|11080 sw 69 drive||USA|miami|Florida|33173|305-596-0712|1. US Ground|No|||3|BFSCLIMECI
200804021355000554|poonie80@aol.com|carole|cotton|happy balloons parties|11080 sw 69 drive||USA|miami|Florida|33173|305-596-0712|1. US Ground|No|||4|BFSSLIMECI
200804021355000554|poonie80@aol.com|carole|cotton|happy balloons parties|11080 sw 69 drive||USA|miami|Florida|33173|305-596-0712|1. US Ground|No|||2|66627
200804021355000554|poonie80@aol.com|carole|cotton|happy balloons parties|11080 sw 69 drive||USA|miami|Florida|33173|305-596-0712|1. US Ground|No|||1|BFS4SET
Run the procedure DoTheImport. It looks for csv files in a directory you choose. The separator used is |. If you are using another, the tab is vbtab without the " " (I think). Now that you have the ordernumbers, you can check on the next. If it's a different one, create a new slip and continue.
Give a sample slipstatement if you want some guidelines to fill that out for the imported data.
Public Sub DoTheImport() 'Name of your csv file Dim FName As Variant 'String to hold your separation character Dim Sep As String FName = Application.GetOpenFilename _ (filefilter:="CSV Files(*.csv),*.csv,All Files (*.*),*.*") '(filefilter:="TXT Files(*.txt),*.txt,All Files (*.*),*.*") If FName = False Then MsgBox "You didn't select a file" Exit Sub End If Sep = "|" ImportTextFile CStr(FName), Sep End Sub Public Sub ImportTextFile(FName As String, Sep As String) 'row Dim Rw As Long 'columnno Dim Cno As Long 'line of data of file Dim WholeLine As String 'worksheet to import to Dim WS As Worksheet 'array to hold every item of the line Dim txt As Variant 'a free file no Dim fileno As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False fileno = FreeFile On Error GoTo EndMacro: Set WS = ActiveSheet Rw = WS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Open FName For Input Access Read As #fileno While Not EOF(fileno) Line Input #fileno, WholeLine txt = Split(WholeLine, Sep) For Cno = LBound(txt) To UBound(txt) If IsNumeric(txt(Cno)) Then 'to avoid the mathematic notation ex. E+2 WS.Cells(Rw, Cno + 1).Value = "'" & txt(Cno) Else WS.Cells(Rw, Cno + 1).Value = txt(Cno) End If Next Cno Rw = Rw + 1 Wend EndMacro: On Error GoTo 0 Application.ScreenUpdating = True Close #fileno 'remove empty rows and rows starting with Customer For Cno = Rw To 1 Step -1 If WS.Range("A" & Cno).Value = vbNullString Or _ Left(WS.Range("A" & Cno).Value, 8) = "Customer" Then WS.Range("A" & Cno).EntireRow.Delete End If Next Cno 'fit the columns so you could read everything WS.Range("A1:R" & Rw).Columns.AutoFit End Sub
My question is how would you export data from the results of the above macro and use it in MS WORD Mail Merge?
I wouldn't use a mailmerge myself. Because the customer could order multiple things. Since each row would be a record in a mailmerge it's rather difficult to create something using mailmerge.
- I would use a boilertemplate in Word with fixed locations that are named (bookmarks). Something like address, customerno, total, vat ...
- Boilertemplate is a word document and you open it by declaring an object as word document from within excel.
- With this object you could jump to bookmarks and insert the cell contents on that location
- the actual items of the slip are inserted at the bookmark named sliplines (or something you want) with vbtab (if keyword for a tab is this) and each line is ended with a vbcrline. You repeat this in a loop until a new customerno is encountered in your excel file (or last line in your list).
- Save the word document under a new name (orderno + customerid + date ???) and close word object (boilertemplate isn't changed)
- Repeat this until you are at the last row in your list.
Just an idea.
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