Hi there,
I've slightly modified your code (see below) so it now does what you're asking in your post:
The significant difference here is that instead of storing the cell as an object (which includes everything; the cell address; cell value; background colour and a host of other parameters) in the LastRow parameter which is what you had, I've only stored the value that you're interested in which is the Row number. Because that's an integer I can store that parameter as an integer instead of an object too which makes the code a bit neater and, theoretically reduces the memory space taken (not that that's a big concern in this case).
The rest of the code has been changed so that it takes into account the fact that LastRow is now a number (=85 in the spreasheet you had saved) instead of a complete cell reference so:
which offsets the cell reference 6 cells upwards has changed to:
which picks the cell in column 1 on row 85 - 6 (79).
Hope that all maks sense. Does it produce the result you're after. Why do you need to insert a row?
Post back if you need any more help. I also learnt from scratch from a book and this forum has been invaluable. To get as far as you have in such a short time is v. impressive 
Happy coding,