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Need help in creating a survey questionnaire form

  1. #1
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    Need help in creating a survey questionnaire form


    I'm creating a short phone survey questionnaire about TV show. It's made of 12 questions. Answers range from Yes/No, Age, ***, martial status....etc. the answers will be in the form of "List" (there will be only one selection). I made every answer start with a number (example 1 Yes, 2 No or 1 0-18, 2 19-24, 3 25-34, 4 35-44, 5 45+ and so on).

    Each row represents one person being questioned, where each column is a question.


    Did you see the show | Did you like the show | Your Age | Martial Status |
    _____1 Yes_________|______2 No_________|__3 25-34_|____1 Single___|
    _____2 No__________|______3 N/A________|__5 45+__|____2 Married__|

    My question is: at the bottom of this sheet (there will be almost 3000 rows), I need to take just the first letter of each answer which is the number and then calculate how many yes (or 1) and how many No (or 2) and so on

    Your help is really appreciated, thank you so much in advance.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert royUK's Avatar
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    I don't know why you have used a number, it would have been easy to use COUNTIF to get the number of Yes answers, etc.

    =COUNTIF(A3:A14,"1 Yes")
    Hope that helps.

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  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Thank you, I removed the number and the result are good.

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