Hello All,
I am trying to build a macro that would delete specific rows depending on a range and criteria created, and selected by using inputbox method. I have it partially working, but cant get past this point. I greatly appreciate any asistance you could provide. I am sure that I do not need all the code below. Thanks in advance.,...G

Sub DeleteRows()
Dim r As Integer
Dim totalR As Integer
Dim question1 As String
Dim question2 As String
Dim question3 As String
Dim mySearch As String
Dim cell3 As Variant
Dim BadWord As Range
Dim cell1 As Range
Dim cell2 As Range
Dim cell4 As Range
Dim allCells As Range
totalR = Selection.Rows.Count
question1 = "What cell would you like to start with?"
question2 = "What what cell would you like to end with?"
question3 = "Please enter search word."
mySearch = cell3
Set cell1 = Application.InputBox(prompt:=question1, _
Title:="Range to Search", Type:=8)
Set cell2 = Application.InputBox(prompt:=question2, _
Title:="Range to Search", Type:=8)
cell1.Value = cell1.Value
cell3 = InputBox(prompt:=question3, _
Title:="Search word or phrase")
Set allCells = Range(cell1, cell2)
allCells.Value = allCells.Value
For Each cell1 In allCells
If allCells.Value <> cell3.Value Then
End If
end sub