
I'm sorry, it's a bit over my head too b/c I have no experience with software for barcode scanners. I've just googled using a couple of keywords & found the info. I guess the questions are...
1 Do you already have a barcode scanner?
2 If so, does it enter the scanned barcode digits into an Excel spreadsheet?
3 If so, what format does the info appear in?

I'm sorry I can't help any further (although others may be able to...?) until you can say yes to the above 2 questions. Once the info is in a spreadsheet I can have go at dumbing it down if needed but I suggest you thoroughly read your software manual (save having to reinvent the wheel) & also Google a few key words (including your software package name).

btw, a couple of other threads that I have just read by googling "barcode scanner excel inventory" suggest that a different approach is to have a macro increment the amount listed in the file each time you scan. In other words, you just scan a barcode xyz times & the spreadsheet will automatically increase (or change) the amount that is listed by xyz amount.
