Here's a rough untested starter based on a quick google...
I don't know how Excel recognises when you have scanned an item but if it displays a text box you could modify the code in the below link to use either the "length of textbox" or the "ontime" approaches.
When modifying the code to suit your spreadsheet layout/ranges etc you could include something like:
Also, note the potential issues if your barcodes are longer than 15 digits:![]()
'instead of c.Select ' Add'l code here 'try... Dim CorrectSOHAmnt As Long CorrectSOHAmnt = InputBox("What is the correct SOH of item " & c.Offset(0, 1) & " (" & c.Value & ")?" & _ Chr(35) & Chr(35) & "nb: the current recorded amount is " & c.Offset(0, 2).Value & ".", _ "PLEASE ENTER THE CORRECT SOH AMOUNT.", c.Offset(0, 2).Value) c.Offset(0, 2).Value = CorrectSOHAmnt ' Please note I haven't included error checking for times when the inputbox is 'cancelled. Also, I hope the line wrap in this code is okay.