Hello Mike,
Change the worksheet name and column in the macro below before you install it. The changes you need to make are in blue.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Col As Variant
Dim DataCell As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
Col = "C"
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set DataCell = .Cells(5000, Col)
Set LastRow = .Cells(1, Col).End(xlDown).Row
If LastRow = DataCell.Row - 1 Then
MsgBox "New Data Not Stored Column is Full."
Exit Sub
End If
.Cells(LastRow + 1, Col).Value = DataCell.Value
End With
End Sub
How to Save a Workbook Event Macro
1. Copy the macro using CTRL+C keys.
2. Open your Workbook and Right Click on any Worksheet's Name Tab
3. Left Click on View Code in the pop up menu.
4. Press ALT+F11 keys to open the Visual Basic Editor.
5. Press CTRL+R keys to shift the focus to the Project Explorer Window
6. Press the Down Arrow Key until ThisWorkbook is highlighted in blue.
7. Press the Enter key to move the cursor to the Code Window
8. Paste the macro code using CTRL+V
9. Save the macro in your Workbook using CTRL+S
Leith Ross