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Suppose I have a spreadsheet with 2 columns:
Column A - Date
Column B - Time
Each row then is an entry for an incoming call. I'll get these spreadsheets everyday so its a variable amount of rows depending on how many calls came in on that day.
What I'm trying to do is make a graph that breaks down call frequency by 1-hr intervals for various days. So what I need is a table with a list of dates going vertically and a list of time intervals going horizontally (eg. 10-11AM, 11AM-12PM and so forth). Then under each time I need to know how many calls came in during that interval on that date.
I can subtract two COUNTIF statements from each other to find the total amount of calls coming in for that interval, but then I can't break it down by date.
=COUNTIF('I:\Users\Matt\Desktop\[data.csv]data'!$D$2:$D$477,D8">=10:30 AM")
There is an example of the countif I was using for individual day graphs. But now I need a macro to create this graph for multiple dates.
I've got a method for filling a column with all the dates contained (dump the raw data to a pivot table and pick out the dates then fill down a column with this:
=IF(OR(Sheet1!A6="(blank)",Sheet1!A6="Grand Total",Sheet1!A6=0),"",Sheet1!A6)
So far column X shows rows of dates. Columns Y Z and AA are "10AM-11" "11-12" "12-1" respectively. I need a loop or something to read amount of calls made on the date in column X between the time in column Y.
Any ideas would be very helpful as I'm stuck! Thanks